Enabler and Developer
in clean and affordable energy
Enabler and Developer
in clean and affordable energy

PV cable
- Red/Black, 100Meters/Roll
- Rated Voltage: 600VDC/1000VDC/1500VDC(TUV)
- Warranty: 10 years
Power up your sustainable life with solar
Embedding solar into everyday life whereever
Aesthetic value-creation for your garden with solar
A leading developer in Solar Energy Hub for your EVs and society
A professional developer in solar parks up to 530 MWp
Enabler in the innovation of solar with battery and fast charging technology
Solar air conditioner gives your life a higher quality and content
Solar roof tiles enable your house green, smart, aesthetic, and sustainable.
New buildings and existing buildings with BIPV modules as roofs, facades, or skylights
-> YATOO Ocean AS:
Organization No.:
NO 924 780 347
Birkelundsbakken 1A, Bergen Norway
-> Our co-developers:
Our commitment
To seek an affordable and reliable clean energy solution for society and individuals.
Useful links
© 2023 | YATOO Ocean AS
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