Enabler and Developer
in clean and affordable energy
Enabler and Developer
in clean and affordable energy
Our independent insight and data-based analysis power you to BETTER decision-making.
SMR Nuclear power
Service: Economic-Tech evaluation and feasibility analysis in Industry parks and Merchant vessels
Objectives: Provide business intelligence by equipping clients with our documented data analysis findings and independent insights to power better client decision-making.
Wind power
Service: Economic analysis in floating offshore wind farms
Objectives: Provide business intelligence by equipping clients with our documented data analysis findings and independent insights to power better client decision-making.
Solar Park
Service: Technical, economic, and strategic evaluation in solar parks
Objectives: Provide business intelligence by equipping clients with our documented data analysis findings and independent insights to power better client decision-making.
-> YATOO Ocean AS:
Organization No.:
NO 924 780 347
Birkelundsbakken 1A, Bergen Norway
-> Our co-developers:
Our commitment
To seek an affordable and reliable clean energy solution for society and individuals.
Useful links
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